Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Syrjäyttääkö Amazonin Kindle painetun tekstin

Amazonin lanseeraama Kindle elektroninen kirja (E-book) on viikonlopun aikana saanut eniten palstatilaa sekä alan lehdissä (esim. Engadget) että muissa viikko (esim. Newsweek)- ja päivälehdissä.

The Kindle Store currently offers more than 90,000 books, as well as hundreds of newspapers, magazines and blogs.

Kindle customers can select from the most recognized U.S. newspapers, as well as popular magazines and journals, such as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Atlantic Monthly, TIME and Fortune. The Kindle Store also includes top international newspapers from France, Germany, and Ireland, including Le Monde, Frankfurter Allgemeine and The Irish Times. Subscriptions are auto-delivered wirelessly to Kindle overnight so that the latest edition is waiting for customers when they wake up. Monthly Kindle newspaper subscriptions are $5.99 to $14.99 per month, and Kindle magazines are $1.25 to $3.49 per month. All magazines and newspapers include a free two-week trial.

The Kindle Store has over 300 blogs on topics ranging from Internet and technology to culture, lifestyle, and humor, to politics and opinion. Examples include Slashdot, TechCrunch, BoingBoing, The Onion, The Huffington Post, and ESPN blogs. Blogs are updated and downloaded wirelessly throughout the day so Kindle customers can read blogs whenever and wherever they want. Wireless delivery of blogs costs as little as $0.99 each per month and also includes a free two-week trial.

Mitenkään kovin mullistavana , varsinkaan myynnillisesti, tuotetta ei pidetä. Tämä on vain eräs askel kohti elektronisella paperilla toimivia sovellutuksia.

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