Friday, November 30, 2007


Winter is almost here, and you know what that means?"> Shocking yourself with thousands of volts of electricity just by being you.
But this Static Electricity Eliminator is here to help. Since there's enough power in those snapping shocks to zap your laptop into oblivion, this $9.99 keyfob discharges that electro-detritus with no harm, no foul. Just touch its rubber tip to anything that's grounded, and the little smiley face on its LCD display tells you you're good to go

Thursday, November 29, 2007


This $199 SmartStar Go To AltAzimuth Telescope Mount,
otherwise known as the Cube, gives you computerized pointing and tracking, where you select a star, planet or galaxy in a huge database, and it automatically moves your scope into place so you can see it, up-close and personal. You can trick out this scope mount much further than that, too.

If things go as planned, future dentists in Japan could soon be practicing on Simroid,
a humanoid that resembles a young woman and can talk back when students hit a nerve. Reportedly, the bot can exclaim "it hurts" and move her eyes / hands whenever discomfort is felt, but best of all, engineers included a "breast sensor" to determine if that area has been touched inappropriately during training.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Helicopter turned upside-down

The VertiPod
looks a bit like a one-passenger helicopter turned upside-down. Its propeller is on the bottom and the pilot stands on a platform built around it with back support and controls at waist level.
It is powered by a 440-cubic-centimeter engine that runs on gasoline or ethanol and can be activated with a pull-start, like a lawnmower. The VertiPod is intended to travel five to 15 feet above ground at a top speed of 40 mph. Bitar said it will be sold for $10,000 in a kit that can be assembled in a weekend.

"It actually flies, unlike a hovercraft, which is just a ground effect," Bitar said. "It could have applications for law enforcement, especially border patrol, but it will also be available to the consumer market."

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"Loistava" sateenvarjo

This "outrigger attachment" essentially hooks onto any medium / large-sized kayak and relies on the sun to charge up the 12V deep cycle marine battery.
From there, a Minkota trolling motor provides the power your kayak needs to move about in the water, leaving you with nothing better to do than kick back, enjoy a book and keep an eye on any incoming yachts.

Glowing umbrellas usually light up their shafts rather than their mushroom-like tips, but this concept "Glowing Umbrella" has a glowing parasol to illuminate your way at night. It's lovely in the way that a black, non-light up umbrella isn't, but is only a concept for now. If science and technology could manage to make one of these that doesn't require swapping out batteries every other day (and make it under $50), we'd be in for four.

You chain it to whatever valuable object and, if it falls into the water, the contact will fire up a gas valve that will instantly fill a balloon capable of lifting 2.2 pounds.
The water will also activate a high-intensity LED so you can see it at night

Jos on tarjontaa niin kai sitten on myös kysyntää

The Hello Kitty TP dispenser
is gushing with obligatory cuteness and can be programmed to dole out exactly the right amount of paper with each button press; of course, there really should be a couple of buttons to satisfy the whole family, but we digress. The unit reportedly rings up at around $220, which sounds about two bills too high unless you're already devoted to collecting all things adorned with Ms. Kitty. Ah well, at least your Hello Kitty toilet paper won't seem so out of place now, right?

Pre-Decorated Christmas Tree - $200 So it's come to this, has it? Our lazy society wants to revel in the Christmas spirit, as long as it doesn't involve such formerly festive activities as tree trimming?

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ydinreaktori pannuhuoneeseen

About the size of a hot tub, this portable nuclear reactor in development by Hyperion Power Generation could be buried in a small cement casing within the ground and provide maintenance-free power to 25,000 homes for 5-years.

An internal chemical reaction produced 27 megawatts of thermal energy powering an external steam turbine to produce electricity. A sort of nuclear battery, we're not sure if it could, should or will ever come to fruition. But it's certainly a neat idea...and the perfect accessory to take our summer grilling "to the next level.

Polkupyörä ilman sarvia

The Rocker Kart is a bicycle alternative,
retailing at £149.99 ($309), the three-wheeled kart lacks any form of visible steering, but that is where the Rocker gets interesting. Apparently, by leaning left or right a patented control mechanism comes into play, altering your course to follow the direction of your weight shift.

Mobiili puhelin

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Valeswood Pearl hydrogen-fueled, power-assisted bicycle, which motors up to 15 MPH and takes you about 80 miles before you need to juice the batteries. When you're finished with all the hard labor of pedaling, the bike folds up neatly and can be tucked away in the trunk of your 9 MPG SUV.

Yves Rossy -- also known as the "Jet Man" -- built a deployable 3-meter wing, powered by dual jet engines
, that is capable of reaching speeds of up to 100mph. In the demonstration, he jumps from a plane and flies for approximately 4-minutes, landing safely.

Puhukoon kuva puolestaan

Lienee Samsung.

Piirikorttien kierrätystä

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Kirjelähetyksen jäljitys

TrackingTheWorld has come up with a potential solution to the problem of letters that go missing in action. Letter Logger is a quarter-inch-thick device that fits into a standard number 10 business envelope and allows the US Postal Service to track its progress throughout the system alongside Google Earth. Here's how it works.

Letter Logger consists of a powerful microprocessor developed by Texas Instruments, and a low-power consumption uBlox ANTARIS 4 GPS module, and is powered by a slim 1100mAh battery. It can be deployed in two different ways. Users can choose to receive reports every two, five or ten minutes (which would, I think, drive you nuts) if Letter Logger is in Constant mode, or they can go for Tilt mode, which notifies you only when the envelope is tilted. Constant mode gives you 20 hours' battery life, while Tilt mode will keep tabs for two weeks.

The service starts up on January 2 next year and it won't be available to the general public. It's a shame the British Government's Customs and Revenue department didn't have access to this when the CD-Rs containing 25 million people's bank details got lost in transit earlier this month.

Myös tässä lisää aiheesta

Ledivalot tiehen

A number of UK roads are lookin' a lot brighter now, and it's all thanks to the SolarLite smart stud.
Produced and marketed by Astucia, these active markers trump the traditional passive reflectors by storing up solar energy all day and then emitting light from dust 'til dawn in order to improve visibility from around 90-meters to 900-meters.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


The first solar-powered car to be built by an Emirati was also on display in Dubai. Saqr Bin Salig's two-seater car, which works from two batteries powered by four 170-watt solar panels on the car's roof, is street legal in the United Arab Emirates

"Jokamiehen" laser-ase

Hercules 400 laser makes you a man for a mere $3,000 capable of burning through cardboard and thick plastic.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Syrjäyttääkö Amazonin Kindle painetun tekstin

Amazonin lanseeraama Kindle elektroninen kirja (E-book) on viikonlopun aikana saanut eniten palstatilaa sekä alan lehdissä (esim. Engadget) että muissa viikko (esim. Newsweek)- ja päivälehdissä.

The Kindle Store currently offers more than 90,000 books, as well as hundreds of newspapers, magazines and blogs.

Kindle customers can select from the most recognized U.S. newspapers, as well as popular magazines and journals, such as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Atlantic Monthly, TIME and Fortune. The Kindle Store also includes top international newspapers from France, Germany, and Ireland, including Le Monde, Frankfurter Allgemeine and The Irish Times. Subscriptions are auto-delivered wirelessly to Kindle overnight so that the latest edition is waiting for customers when they wake up. Monthly Kindle newspaper subscriptions are $5.99 to $14.99 per month, and Kindle magazines are $1.25 to $3.49 per month. All magazines and newspapers include a free two-week trial.

The Kindle Store has over 300 blogs on topics ranging from Internet and technology to culture, lifestyle, and humor, to politics and opinion. Examples include Slashdot, TechCrunch, BoingBoing, The Onion, The Huffington Post, and ESPN blogs. Blogs are updated and downloaded wirelessly throughout the day so Kindle customers can read blogs whenever and wherever they want. Wireless delivery of blogs costs as little as $0.99 each per month and also includes a free two-week trial.

Mitenkään kovin mullistavana , varsinkaan myynnillisesti, tuotetta ei pidetä. Tämä on vain eräs askel kohti elektronisella paperilla toimivia sovellutuksia.

Uusinta tekniikkaa/teknologiaa

Hidden toilet that emerges from the ground after you insert one yuan? I'm so there, Maxwell Smart. The pop-up conveniences are being installed in China and will debut next year, just in time for the Beijing Olympic Games

You can wear a conservative style to work that says "I am an intelligent individual that should be taken seriously," and flip the frames around on Friday

Monday, November 19, 2007

Kiinlaista vesivoimaa

Last year, Chinese officials celebrated the completion of the Three Gorges Dam
by releasing a list of 10 world records. As in: The Three Gorges is the world’s biggest dam, biggest power plant and biggest consumer of dirt, stone, concrete and steel. Ever. Even the project’s official tally of 1.13 million displaced people made the list as record No. 10.

Today, the Three Gorges Dam is the de facto anchor of a planned system of 12 hydropower mega-bases on the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze. Over all, officials have said more than 100 hydropower stations could be built on the upper Yangtze basin within two decades. The government-owned corporation that built the Three Gorges Dam has already started construction on 3 of the 12 large projects.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Lehdistötilaisuus virtuaalimaailmassa

Maldives Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid, UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Malta Foreign Minister Michael Frendo jointly held a historic virtual press conference, through Second Life,
to draw global attention to the devastating effects of climatic change on the world's small island states. The virtual conference also highlighted the effects of global warming on individual people around the world.

The virtual conference was held at the end of an important meeting of the world's small island states in the Maldives from 13th to 14th of this month. The meeting was aimed to raise international awareness about the plight of small island states ahead of Bali summit.

Terrorismia vastaan verkossa

Dark Web's software, which Chen calls Writeprint, samples 480 different factors to identify whether the same people are posting to multiple radical forums. It can analyze everything from a fragment of an e-mail to videos depicting American soldiers blown up in Humvees and fuel tankers.

Former FBI counterterror chief Dale Watson, who noted that terrorist Web sites and communications are now analyzed manually, said the ability to sort through so much data electronically "would be a great asset in the fight against terrorism.

Writeprint is derived from a program originally used to determine the authenticity of William Shakespeare's works. It looks at writing style, word usage and frequency and greetings, and at technical elements ranging from Web addresses to the coding on multimedia attachments. It also looks at linguistic features such as special characters, punctuation, word roots, font size and color, he said.

Kaksi yhtiötä tarjoavat genikartoitusta

16.11.2007, deCODE genetics announced the launch of their consumer genotyping service
deCODEme sekvenoi n. 1 miljoonaa emäsparia hintaan $985.

23andMe's, joka aloitti noin kuukausi sitten, tarjoaaa 600,000SNP:tä hintaan $999 (kts. edelinen postitus)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Geenit tonnilla

It now costs just $1 million to sequence the 3 billion base pairs in a genome, while genotyping — which looks at only 500,000 SNPs — is a mere $1,000 .

This winter marks the birth of a new industry: Companies will take a sample of your DNA, scan it, and tell you about your genetic future, as well as your ancestral past.
In a few years, as the price of sequencing the entire genome drops below $1,000, all 6billion points of your genetic code will be opened to scrutiny.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Riisiä YK:lle

As you take advantage of your four hour work week (ok, that's your New Year's resolution) you've got to love efficiency. Free Rice is a site that lets you build your English vocabulary, and while doing so, it donates grains of rice to the United Nations to help stop world hunger. The donation of rice is made possible by the unobtrusive ads that line the bottom of the screen.

Saksa- Englanti 1-1

In the Cipher Challenge, a competition run by the U.K.'s National Museum of Computing on Thursday and Friday, the cipher-breaking computer Colossus had to decode encrypted radio communications intercepted from Paderborn in Germany. Competing against Colossus, which took 14 years to rebuild, were radio enthusiasts from across Europe, who had to beat the WWII code cracker using whatever computing means they had at their disposal.
The winner was Joachim Schüth, from Bonn, who completed the task using software he wrote himself.

A reconstructed Colossus vacuum-tube system was no match for homegrown PC software in cracking enciphered test messages similar to the ones the British broke during World War II.
The Colossus codecracker contest was a short-lived ordeal. Not only has it been outdone in a cipher-breaking challenge, but — irony of ironies — it was beaten by a German!"


Japanese Lego builder Jun Brick (think that's his real name?) has been hard at work at a 1:40 model of the famous Battleship Yamato
for over a year. This gargantuan model puts the Millennium Falcon to shame, stretching out for over 20 feet and using a whopping 100,000 pieces.

Colossus vs. Intel

On Thursday and Friday in the "Cipher Challenge," Colossus will go up against a team of people using modern computing power to decode encrypted radio communications broadcast from Germany.
Colossus onkin jo valmis. Vetoa on lyöty Colossuksen puolesta. Kohta nähdään miten kävi.

"Cipher Challenge,"

Kaikenlaista pitää kokeilla

James Bond?
Vaarana voi olla, että pilotti lähtee pyörimään.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Tehtiin tietokoneita ennenkin

"It was here that pioneering work to build the first recognisably modern computers was carried out by a team of brilliant mathematicians and engineers."
Tällä liittoutuneet mursivat saksalaisten salattuja viestejä. Nyt laitetta (Colossus) ollaan kokoamassa uudelleen.
Työ aloitettiin 1993 eikä ole vielä valmis.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Communications provider KDDI is now displaying one of its latest achievements called Intra-Body Communication which can use the human body to transmit high-volume data such as video and music! This is done at a frequency less than or equal to 40MHz (which has less transmission loss). The video on the monitor in the picture is going right through the woman from her hand to the glasses and out to the monitor!
Intra-Body Communication

Venäläinen konnien pesä

Konnien pesäksi kutsuttu verkko-operaattori Russian Business Network RBN pystytti palvelunsa Kiinaan viime keskiviikkona, mutta toiminta kesti vain reilun päivän.

The Russian Business Network suddenly dropped off the Internet, but the group may have resurfaced in Asia. A Russian gang allegedly hosting malicious software abruptly disappeared this week, according to Trend Micro. The Russian Business Network, which allegedly was heavily involved in hosting packing...

The shadowy hacker and malware hosting network that only recently fled Russia to set up operations in China has now pulled the plug there and vanished yet again. An analyst at VeriSign's iDefense Labs unit said iDefense had tracked RBN's migration earlier in the week from servers based in Russia to ones running in China, after obtaining at least seven net blocks of Chinese IP addresses. As of Wednesday, RBN controlled 5,120 IP addresses assigned to Chinese service providers; known RBN clients were even seen using those addresses that day. But with its China move putting the spotlights of the media and the security community on the organization, RBN suddenly went offline on Thursday. 'They severed connections to six of the seven net blocks on November 8,' the analyst said. RBN as a single organization may be dead and gone; it may even now be breaking up into smaller pieces farmed out to multiple countries' Internet infrastructures.
The RBN has been described as "the baddest of the bad". It offers web hosting services and internet access to all kinds of criminal and immoral activities, with individual activies earning up to $150m in one year. Businesses that take active stands against such attacks are sometimes targetted by denial of service attacks originating in the RBN network.[2] RBN sells its services to these operations for $600 per month.

USA rakentaa ydinvoimaa

In September 2007, NRG Energy filed a proposal with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to build a nuclear power plant in Texas. Last month, NuStart, a nuclear consortium, also filed an application. These represent the leading edge of a wave of renewed interest in domestic nuclear energy.

"We are expecting an additional three (applications) before the end of this calendar year," said Scott Burnell, an NRC spokesman, who said another 16 applications, some for multiple power plants, are likely by the end of 2009. "If all of these applications were approved, we would end up with a total of 32 new reactors in the United States," Burnell said.

Currently 104 reactors are spread across the United States -- approximately 20 percent of domestic-energy output. Assuming all goes well, the first plants could come online as early as 2015, according to Burnell.
Analysts also point out that American's energy demands continue to soar at a rate of 50 to 60 gigawatts each year, and there is no easy answer to America's constantly growing thirst for energy.

"You can't build wind and solar fast enough and their inherent production profiles are different enough such that you can't use them for base-load generation," said Michael Carboy, an analyst with Signal Hill.

Supertietokoneita 2007

Der schnellste nicht fürs Militär arbeitende Supercomputer der Welt kommt aus Deutschland. In der aktuellen "Top 500"-Liste schaffte es der nagelneue "Jugene" vom Forschungszentrum Jülich auf Platz zwei - die seit Jahren von demselben Monsterrechner angeführt wird.

Jugene=Julich Blue Gene

Der zweitschnellste Computer der Welt steht in Deutschland. Die erst kürzlich installierte Anlage "Jugene" des Forschungszentrums Jülich belegt in der am Montag veröffentlichten Weltrangliste der schnellsten Supercomputer den zweiten Platz. Mit 167 Billionen Rechenschritten pro Sekunde (Teraflops) ist Jugene nicht nur der schnellste Computer Europas, sondern auch der schnellste zivil genutzte Rechner der Welt. Noch mehr Leistung bietet nur die Anlage BlueGene/L des US-Kernforschungszentrums Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Kalifornien. Sie belegt mit 478 Billionen Rechenschritten pro Sekunde fast uneinholbar den Spitzenplatz auf der in Reno (US-Staat Nevada) vorgestellten "Top 500"-Liste.

Der Spitzenreiter BlueGene/L ist noch fast dreimal schneller als Jugene

The TOP500 supercomputing list was just announced and IBM's BlueGene/L system has kept its crown. In fact, IBM's and the Department of Energy's co-developed monster at Lawrence Livermore has occupied the number 1 position since 2004.
Its Blue Gene/L supercomputer - used to ensure the US nuclear weapons stockpile remains safe and reliable - comes out at number one.
It can now deliver a sustained performance of 478 trillion calculations per second (478 teraflops), nearly three times faster than any other machine on the list.

India has also entered the exclusive list for the first time with a Hewlett-Packard designed system that has a performance of 117.9 teraflops.
Codenamed EKA - Sanskrit for number one - it is installed at the Computational Research Laboratories in Pune.

The system will be initially targeted at developing applications such as neural, molecular and crash simulations, and digital media animation and rendering.
Third place on the top 500 list went to a new supercomputing centre based in New Mexico.
Fifth place went to another Hewlett-Packard system installed at a Swedish government agency.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Maailman nopein hissi

Asfaltti soi

The Melody Road (Japanissa kolmella tieosuudella)will allow a car passing above it to play a simple tune, which is made audible by ridges on the road's surface. The pitch of the note created is increased by increasing the frequency of the ridges, and the opposite is also true.
Lisää tässä ja/tai tässä.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Lihavat maksakoot enemmän lennoistaan

Australian airlines should impose charges on their overweight clients, as they do for excess baggage, because heavier loads increase fuel costs.


Cellphones Pen Phone Design is Smallest Yet
There have been pen phone concepts before, even a few working products, but none as slim and small as this one sent us by an anonymous tipster. He told us this "design A" is not a finished product yet, and added that the undisclosed company he's working for wants to gauge interest in such a device. While most users will connect the phone to Bluetooth earpieces, those two target-shaped areas on the top and bottom
Haier Mobile has introduced another new pen phone. The P7 pen phone was originally given to the glamorous presenters at the Golden Globes, but they have finally made this phone available to the public.

This is a tri-band mobile phone that is shaped to be a little bit wider than an average pen. Amazingly they managed to pack a ton of features into this tiny thing, including a camera, fully keypad, and even a TFT screen. This is definitely a stylish phone, especially cool if you are into confusing people by screaming into the pen being held on the side of your face.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Rautarouva Martti Ahtisaari

.... a number of women in our world have distinguished themselves whether we are talking about running a country, a corporation or a charity........

... Not too long ago, we can remember Margaret Thatcher, the iron lady of Britain, late Golden Mier of Israel, Benazir Bhutto, former prime minister of Pakistan, late Mother Teresa of India, Martti Ahtisaari of Finland, Mary Robinson of Ireland, Oprah Winfrey, the iconic TV host of America's highest rated "The Oprah Winfrey Show", and currently the founder and president of a $40M Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa, Nancy Pelosi, first female Speaker of the United States Congress, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, the 66th and first black woman appointed to the United States Secretary of State, Senator (Mrs.) Hilary Clinton, possible first female president of United States not to mention the African super ladies like Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf , current president of Liberia, Dr. (Mrs.) Cecilia Ibru, Managing Director/CEO of Oceanic Bank International Bank Plc and the only woman on the Board of Directors, Dr. (Mrs.) Ndi Okereke-Onyiuke, OON,............. ..........................


MIT students have come up with a way to recharge your laptop without plugging it in. Rather than consuming electricity, you'll be burning calories--your own--while pedaling a much-altered, electricity-producing exercise bicycle.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Mies ja rahat kadoksissa

Firman perustaja on kadonnut mukanaan 200 miljoonaa dollaria sijoittajien rahoja.(9.11)

Tämä oli 1.11
Shell customers are being hit with a trifecta of technological advances, including the ability to pay by fingerprint. The payment system is faster and more secure than using a credit card, debit card or RFID key fob, Shell says. After an initial scan of the customer's finger and credit card, all other transactions take place at the pump