Monday, November 12, 2007


Cellphones Pen Phone Design is Smallest Yet
There have been pen phone concepts before, even a few working products, but none as slim and small as this one sent us by an anonymous tipster. He told us this "design A" is not a finished product yet, and added that the undisclosed company he's working for wants to gauge interest in such a device. While most users will connect the phone to Bluetooth earpieces, those two target-shaped areas on the top and bottom
Haier Mobile has introduced another new pen phone. The P7 pen phone was originally given to the glamorous presenters at the Golden Globes, but they have finally made this phone available to the public.

This is a tri-band mobile phone that is shaped to be a little bit wider than an average pen. Amazingly they managed to pack a ton of features into this tiny thing, including a camera, fully keypad, and even a TFT screen. This is definitely a stylish phone, especially cool if you are into confusing people by screaming into the pen being held on the side of your face.

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