Facebookista tulossa kiinalainen versio. Facebook Inc rekisteröi äsken www.cnnic.com.ch verkko-osoitteen Itse verkkopaikkaa ei toistaiseksi ole olemassa vaan käyttäjät ohjautuvat automaatiisesti www.facebook.com:iin. jolla tällä hetkellä on 50 miljoonaa käyttäjää ja saa 250 000 uuta käyttäjää päivittäin.Kun kiinankielinen sivusto valmistuu tulee Facebookin käyttäjämäärä hetkessä ylittämään 100 miljoonaa (Kiinassa 162 miljoonaa verkkokäyttäjää). Kiinalaisille Facebook tulee olemaan merkittävä portaali .
Kiinan kommunistinen puolue pyrkii varmasti kaiken tavoin vaikeuttamaan kiinalaisten Facebookin käyttöä estämällä pääsyn sivuille (ei voi sulkea sitä koska palvelu on USA:ssa)
Hiljattain Peking otti käyttöönsä uusia seurantateknologioita, systeemin nimeltä Golden Shield. Järjestelmän rakentaminen kesti vuosia ja maksoi 700 miljoonaa dollaria. Järjestelmän ohittaminen on kuitenkin melko helppoa ja ne jotka eivät osaa voivat ostaa palveluja (keinoja) parilla dollarilla.
Lisää aiheeesta:
The Golden Shield hardware — supplied by Cisco and other US companies — is supplemented by human censors who are paid about $170 a month. They sit at screens in warehouse-like buildings run by the Public Security Bureau. These foot soldiers in China's information war monitor domestic news sites, erasing and editing politically sensitive stories. Some sites provide the censors with access so the authorities can alter content directly. Others get an email or a call when changes are required. Similar methods are applied to blogs. Sensitive entries are erased, and in the most egregious cases blogs are shut down altogether
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Kiinalaisille kasvot
Saharasta puutarha
Ainoastaan viisi prosenttia Egyptistä on asutuskelpoitsa. Melkein koko maan 74 miljoonainen väestö asuu Niilin ja Väilemeren rannoilla. Kairo on yksi maailman tiheimmin asutuista kaupungeista. Tilanne pahenee kun Egyptin väestön oletetaan kaksinkertaistuvan vuoteen 2050 mennessä.
Halitus pelkää, että ylirasitettu infrastruktuuri kasvattaa tyytmättömyyttä ja täten islamistiset ääriryhmät saisivat vettä myllyynsä.
Siksi väestöä pyritäänkin siirtämään muualle ts. erämaahan jota nyt yritetään muuttaa vihreäksi Niilistä otettavan veden avulla. Etiopia ja Sudan jotka ovat riipuvaisia Niilin vedestä ovat tietenkin huolestuneita heidän omasta veden riittävyydestä.
"They are trying to spread the population to other parts of the country."
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
New Scientist Environment Blog
New Scientist Environment Blog: "Sun-powered homes vie for eco prize American ingenuity got blindsided by German engineering last Friday at the third Solar Decathlon hosted by the US Department of Energy."
Monday, October 29, 2007
Mm.Finland: An economic model for Puerto Rico
Singapore Airlines (SIA), the first to fly the A380, has made much of the 12 super-premium "Suites" compartments which feature a full-length bed behind sliding doors.
Is Mukesh Ambani the richest man alive? Yes, according to a report by the Press Trust of India released on Monday, which pegged his wealth at $63.2 billion (almost Rs 2.49 lakh crore).
.He has reportedly just overtaken Carlos Slim of Mexico and Microsoft’s Bill Gates, whose personal assets are $62.299 billion and $62.290 billion respectively. The calculations take into account Ambani’s holding in Reliance Industries and Reliance Petroleum through Reliance Industries, apart from stakes in Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Ltd.
Systematic mass murder of Jews detailed in huge Nazi archive
This is the largest archive of Nazi documents in the world - more than 33 million pages of records, stored in six buildings in Bad Arolsen, a Baroque town north of Frankfurt. The archive was established after World War II by the Allies, taking advantage of the town's location between Germany's four areas of occupation, and the fact that it had suffered practically no damage from bombardment. I
Mafia Is Italy’s Biggest Business
Six billion euros is how much Italy’s harassed shopkeepers paid into the coffers of organised crime in one year. Some 132,000 of the 160,000 victims of protection rackets live in the four regions – Sicily, Campania, Calabria and Puglia – where gangs continue to hold sway. But loan sharks raked in twice that figure, pocketing 12 billion euros. Gangs can count on income from 150,000 business people, most of whom go under trying to pay interest that is now generally fixed at 10% per month. From 2004 to 2006, Mafia-style loans caused the closure of 165,000 retail businesses and 50,000 hotels.
Finland: An economic model for Puerto Rico
Today, Finland is one of the world’s most successful countries, but it is well aware that you can’t rest on your laurels, that change is inevitable, and reinvention must come time and again as the years go by. This is a lesson we must learn in Puerto Rico.
Africa is losing its brightest to the First World. Less than 10% of doctors trained in Zambia since its independence in 1964 are still in the country: the other 90% have migrated, mainly to Europe and the United States.
Autot satelliittiseurantaan
Microchips to track cars through satellite.
Car plates of all vehicles in Saudi Arabia will be changed for free by next year .
The plates will contain a microchip to allow the car to be tracked down by satellites as part of the department’s extensive project .
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Ruuhkaa netissä
Nykyisen internetin kapasiteetti ei tule riittämään lisääntyvän surempia bittimääriä käyttävien sovelluksien myötä (esi. TV).
The Internet is perfectly tuned for e-mail, says Roberts. But 40 years ago, he and the many others who helped nurture today's commercial Web never imagined, nor planned for, streaming high-definition television shows to travel through the wires.
For example, 19 million Americans watched the season première of ABC's "Desperate Housewives" on TV this year. If all of those viewers had seen the program on the Internet in HD quality instead, it would require 4.5 terabytes of Internet capacity each second. That's triple the amount used on the entire Internet, CacheLogic reports.
Japan enjoys broadband speeds that are 12.7 times faster and 12.3 times cheaper than the average connection in the US, ..........
Along with video's increasing share, total Internet traffic is expected to double every two years, ........
Käyttäjiä tänään: 1,224,449,601
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Pelastakaa sienet
Lakki 0,5-1,5cm leveä, 1,5-2cm korkea, kellomainen - pipomainen, terävänipukkainen, limainen, hygrofaani, kosteana läpisäteinen, ruskean- keltainen, usein oliivinsävyinen, kuivana vaaleampi, savenvärinen. heltat tasatyviset - kolotyviset, aluksi vaalean oliivinruskeat, sitten purppuranruskeat, terä valkea. Jalka 4-10cm pitkä, 1-2mm paksu......................
Se on kansainvälisesti tunnetuin huumetarkoituksiin käytetty sieni, ja sitä viljellään ja myydään kansainvälisessä huumekaupassa. Sen pääasialliset psykoaktiiviset aineet ovat psilosybiini ja psilosiini.
Viime viikolla Hollannin viranomaiset uhkasivat kieltää sienen ja tästä valmistettujen tuotteiden myynnin.
"The Netherlands are banning the sale of 'magic mushrooms' after a French woman died from jumping off a building after taking them."
Calls for a re-evaluation of the drug grew after a 17-year-old French girl jumped from a building after eating magic mushrooms during a school trip to Amsterdam in March.
Other incidents involving the drug have included an Icelandic tourist jumping from a balcony and breaking both legs and a Danish tourist driving his car wildly through a camping ground, narrowly missing sleeping campers.
"It's a shame, the media really blew this up into a big issue," said Chloe Collette, owner of the FullMoon shop, which sells magic mushrooms in Amsterdam.
Tänään Amsterdamissapidettiin mielenosoitus sienen pelastamiseksi.
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Protesters turned out on Amsterdam's central Dam Square on Saturday, hoping to stop the government from banning magic mushrooms and asking to "save the 'shrooms".
Carrying banners reading "When will they ban bread?" and "Boss of your own brain", more than 100 people, some wearing hats resembling the bright red cap of the popular fly agaric variety, protested to keep hallucinogenic mushrooms legal.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Kännykkä ei toimi ilman SIM-korttia
A man whose dying wish was to be buried along with his mobile phone has to be dug up again after his family discovered they had forgotten to insert his SIM card.
Arso Banjeglav, 67, of Montenegrin, was so pre-occupied with sending text message to his friends on his mobile phone that he told his son 38-year-old son Brano of his wish to be buried with it.
However, after his funeral, his family discovered that his grandson, who was playing with the device, had taken out the SIM card.
"We put the phone in the coffin as he wanted, but my 10-year-old son had been playing with it and had taken the card out without my knowledge," Brano said. "So now we have got to dig him up again to put it in the phone."
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Opiskelua USA:ssa
Kampuksilla ei voi puolustautua häiriintyneitä ampujia vastaan koska opiskelijat eivät saa tuoda alueelle aseita.
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,304806,00.html">A group of 12 students chose to wear empty holsters to class this week at the University of Idaho as part of the nationwide protest.
Aled Baker, a junior, said he loses his constitutional right to protect himself and others when he steps on campus.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Viisas papukaija
Alex, a Parrot Who Had a Way With Words, Dies
Alex, a 31-year-old African gray parrot, knew more than 100 words and could count and recognize colors and shapes.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tee-se-itse helikopteri
Nigerialainen opiskelija rakensi helikopterin.
It is powered by a second-hand 133 horsepower Honda Civic car engine and kitted out with seats from an old Toyota saloon car. Its other parts come from the carcass of a Boeing 747 which crashed near Kano some years ago.
Kaatopaikka merellä
The enormous stew of trash - which consists of 80 percent plastics and weighs some 3.5 million tons, say oceanographers - floats where few people ever travel, in a no-man's land between San Francisco and Hawaii.
"Sea turtles mistake clear plastic bags for jellyfish. Birds swoop down and swallow indigestible shards of plastic. The petroleum-based plastics take decades to break down, and as long as they float on the ocean's surface, they can appear as feeding grounds."
Verkkosensuuri Kiinassa jatkuu
Kiinan ote internetistä näyttää yhä kiristyvän. Nyt Kiina näyttää ohjaavan Googlen, Microsoft Live -hakukoneen tai Yahoon käyttäjät heidän tahtomattaan kiinalaisen Baidun sivuille. Asiantuntijat ovat ihmeissään.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Kalifornia palaa ja tekoturve kasvaa
Täällä vettä "riittää" tekoturpeen kasteluun.
It's not even real grass.
But in the midst of what may be the worst drought ever in North Carolina, Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are watering the synthetic turfs used by their field hockey teams.
Täälläkin on vedestä puutetta. Ei riitä tekoturpeen kasteluun.
No quick end seen to California wildfires
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency for seven counties from Santa Barbara down to San Diego. He was scheduled to visit communities affected by the fires on Monday.
Toinen ja toinen
Mugaben palatsi
CONSTRUCTION has been completed of Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe’s controversial £5 million mansion in Harare’s leafy northern suburbs.
The 25-bedroom private house, built by a Serbian construction company Energoproject to a Chinese architectural design, has two lakes in its 44 acre landscaped grounds and is protected by a multi-million pounds radar system.
Approach roads to the mansion, topped by a Chinese-style roof clad in midnight blue tiles from Shanghai, are off limits to the general public.
The project, which took three years to complete, is the most visible symbol of how Mugabe and his acolytes have prospered while more than five million of his 11.5 million people are near starvation and will need food aid this year, according to the World Food Programme.
Some 80 per cent of Mugabe’s fellow countrymen are unemployed and those with factory jobs earn an average wage equivalent to about 11 dollars a month.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Google Hits Vanity Ring on sormus jonka LCD-näytöllä näkyy kantajan nimen saamat osumat Googlessa.
Sormuksesa on pieni räätälöity ohjelma ja osumat päivittyy tietokoneeseen ankkuroimalla .
Sormusta ei ole myynnissä (toistaiseksi).
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Kiinalainen hakukone
Kiinalaiset ovat valittaneet, että yhteydet Googleen ja muihin hakukoneisiin on katkaistu ja ohjattu Baiduun, ja muihin hallituksen perustamiin hakukoneisiin, joista päsee ainoastaan sensuroimattomille sivuille.Ennen 2002 puoluekokousta näin tapahtui ja nytkin on joillakin paikkakunnilla havaittu sama ilmiö.
Baidu löytyy Tästä. Kun ruutuun tulee ikkuna "Install on demand" klikkaa vaan "Cancel"
Baidu sanoo:
IOur mission is to provide the best way for people to find information. To do this we listen carefully to our users' needs and wants. Have we collected all the Chinese web pages they want to see? Are the pages current and up to date? Are the search results closely related to their queries? Did we return those search results instantly?
Friday, October 19, 2007
Watsonin seikkailut jatkuvat
Dr Watson, who won a Nobel Prize in 1962 for his part in discovering the structure of DNA, was due to speak at the venue on Friday.
But the museum has cancelled the event, saying his views went "beyond the point of acceptable debate".
Earlier this evening, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Board of Trustees decided to suspend the administrative responsibilities of Chancellor James D. Watson, Ph.D., pending further deliberation by the Board.
Watson oli siis yksi niistä jotka "keksivät" DNA-kaksoiskierteen jne.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962 "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material"
Francis Harry Compton, Crick James Dewey, Watson Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Google haku
Jihad" - Morocco, Indonesia, Pakistan
"Terrorism" - Pakistan, Philippines, Australia
"Hangover" - Ireland, United Kingdom, United States
"Burrito" - United States, Argentina, Canada
"Iraq" - United States, Australia, Canada
"Taliban" - Pakistan, Australia, Canada
"Tom Cruise" - Canada, United States, Australia
"Britney Spears" - Mexico, Venezuela, Canada
"Homosexual" - Philippines, Chile, Venezuela
"Love" - Philippines, Australia, United States
"Botox" - Australia, United States, United Kingdom
"Viagra" - Italy, United Kingdom, Germany
"David Beckham" - Venezuela, United Kingdom, Mexico
"Kate Moss" - Ireland, United Kingdom,
"Dolly Buster" - Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia
"Car bomb" - Australia, United States, Canada
"Marijuana" - Canada, United States, Australia
"IAEA" - Austria, Pakistan, Iran
Google Trends
Neekerit tyhmiä?
The 79-year-old geneticist reopened the explosive debate about race and science in a newspaper interview in which he said Western policies towards African countries were wrongly based on an assumption that black people were as clever as their white counterparts when "testing" suggested the contrary. He claimed genes responsible for creating differences in human intelligence could be found within a decade.
The newly formed Equality and Human Rights Commission, successor to the Commission for Racial Equality, said it was studying Dr Watson's remarks " in full". Dr Watson told The Sunday Times that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really". He said there was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but "people who have to deal with black employees find this not true".
Tatu Vanhanen herätti jonkin verran keskustelua tästä aiheesta.
Richard Lynn ja Tatu Vanhanen julakisivat v. 2002...
Darwinismi tekee paluuta
Yrjö Ahmavaara ja Tatu Vanhanen julkaisivat tiedepoliittisen pamfletin
He vaativat geeneille keskeistä osuutta ihmisen käyttäytymisen ja yhteiskunnan tutkimuksessa
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Eritrea has replaced North Korea in last place in an index measuring the level of press freedom in 169 countries throughout the world that is published today by Reporters Without Borders for the sixth year running.
Reporters Without Borders compiled this index by sending a questionnaire to the 15 freedom of expression organisations throughout the world that are its partners, to its network of 130 correspondents, and to journalists, researchers, jurists and human rights activists. It contained 50 questions about press freedom in their countries. The index covers 169 nations. Other countries were not included because of lack of data.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Suomalaiset saastuttavat surutta
Kauniista puheista huolimatta kasvihuonepäästöt yhä Euroopan korkeimpia
Suomalaiset saastuttavat surutta
Suomalaiset ovat teoriassa esimerkillinen ekokansa. Kyselyissä lähes jokaista piinaa huoli ilmastonmuutoksesta. Ympäristöystävälliset tuotteet saavat varauksettoman tuen ja jokainen on valmis ympäristötekoihin. Puheissa sellaista ei olekaan, joka ei haluaisi suosia joukkoliikennettä.
Käytännössä me elämme edelleen kuin pellossa. Eri tahojen keräämien tilastotietojen mukaan Suomen kasvihuonepäästöt asukasta kohti vuodessa ovat Euroopan korkeimpia. Vaikka ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamat uhat ovat tiedossa, se ei juuri tavallisen kansalaisen elämässä näy.
Ilmastonmuutoksen hillinnässä Suomi on 36. sijalla. Samalla viivalla ovat Valko-Venäjä ja Algeria. Kärjessä ovat Ruotsi ja Tanska.
- Ihmiset vaihtavat koko ajan autoa, ja alle kolmen kilometrin matkoista pääosa ajetaan autolla. Tähän ei ole mitään järjellistä syytä, ympäristönsuojelun lehtori Timo Vuorisalo Turun yliopistosta moittii.
Liikennepolitiikassakin mennään Vuorisalon mielestä edelleen väärään suuntaan, sillä Suomessa satsataan teihin ja yksityisautoiluun, vaikka päästöjä pitäisi leikata. Hän sanoo eduskunnan päätösten heijastavan ihmisten mielipiteitä, lisääntyneen ympäristötietoisuuden lisäksi valitettavasti myös pahassa.
Ilmastotalkoissa ongelmana ei ole pelkkä vastuun pakoilu. Vuorisalon mukaan tutkijoiden keskuudessa keskustelu ilmastonmuutoksesta on laantunut. Ilmaston muuttuminen on tavalliselle kuluttajallekin jo selvä juttu, mutta sen hillitsemisen keinot eivät. Vaikka ilmastosta puhutaan typerryttävän paljon, tietoa käytännön keinoista ei saa tarpeeksi, sanovat kansalaiset.
Kuluttajan vastuulla on myös ottaa asioista selvää. Varsinkin oman talon rakentajan tulee miettiä tekojaan tarkkaan.
- Ihminen tekee ehkä elämänsä tärkeimmät ympäristöratkaisut taloa rakentaessaan. Päätösten vaikutus kantaa monta vuosikymmentä, Vuorisalo painottaa.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Tämä alkaa varmasti olla lähellä tuotantoa ja eri sovellutuksia.
Flexible energy storage devices based on nanocomposite paper
Victor L. Pushparaj*, Manikoth M. Shaijumon*, Ashavani Kumar*, Saravanababu Murugesan, Lijie Ci*, Robert Vajtai, Robert J. Linhardt, Omkaram Nalamasu*, and Pulickel M. Ajayan*,,
Departments of *Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies, Rensselaer Nanotechnology Center; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180
Communicated by Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, July 11, 2007 (received for review February 23, 2007)
There is strong recent interest in ultrathin, flexible, safe energy storage devices to meet the various design and power needs of modern gadgets. To build such fully flexible and robust electrochemical devices, multiple components with specific electrochemical and interfacial properties need to be integrated into single units.
Power Paper: Energy Storage by the Sheet
"We have a paper battery, supercapacitor and battery-supercapacitor hybrid device that could be used in a variety of energy storage applications," says biological and chemical engineer Robert Linhardt of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (R.P.I.) in Troy, N.Y., who helped lead the team that made the discovery. "These devices are lightweight and flexible and are primarily composed of cellulose paper—an environmentally friendly and biocompatible material."
Beyond Batteries: Storing Power in a Sheet of Paper
Muslimi avaruudessa
Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, the Malaysian orthopaedic surgeon aboard the International Space Station, can observe Ramadan and perform other acts of Muslim worship by following the guidelines set out in this small booklet, which was produced by 150 Islamic scholars and scientists at a conference held 18 months ago by the Malaysian National Space Agency.
Issues on how to do istinja’ (washing-up), determining prayer time and the direction of Qibla,performing solat (prayer), defining time of fasting, caring for the deceased, and others, have brought concern within the Muslim community
3.7 Caring of the Deceased
i. The deceased need to be brought back to Earth for normal funeral process.
ii. In the case the former is not possible; the deceased should be buried in space with a simple funeral process. (Miten? Luukusta pihalle vai?)
3.5 Praying
i. Daily prayers could be performed in Jamak (combined) and Qasar (shortened), without the need to Qadha’ (compensate) the prayer.
ii. The performance of the physical postures (such as standing, bowing and prostrating) is to suit the conditions in ISS, prioritizing as follows:
a. If upright standing is not possible, then any standing posture,
b. Sitting. Bowing is by bringing down the chin closer to the knee or the prostrating place,
c. Lying down on the right side with body facing the direction of Qibla,
d. Lying flat
e. Using the eye lid as an indicator of the changing of postures in prayer,
f. Imagining the sequence of prayer.
4.1 Food
If there is doubt on whether the food served on ISS it is halal or not, it is then permissible to eat
the food on the basis of not to starve.
i. Cleansing from minor impurity (ablution)
Cleansing from minor impurity is by tayammum or dry ablution. This could be done by
striking both palms of hands on a clean surface auch as wall or mirror of the ISS (even
without dust).
ii. Cleansing from major impurity
Cleansing from major impurity is the same way as in 3.2 (i).
3.3 Determining the Direction of Qibla
Qibla direction is based on what is possible, prioritizing as below:
i. The Ka’aba
ii. The projection of Ka’aba
iii. The Earth
iv. Wherever
Näin Moskovassa
Moskovan poliisilla ja palolaitoksella on käytössä Porsche Cayenne SUV:t. Kuvassa alla poliisi on Porsche Carreran kintereillä.
Cayenne GTS Tiptronic S -vaihteistolla kuluttaa bensiiniä keskimäärin 13,9 litraa sadalla kilometrillä EU-standardin mukaisella mittaustavalla. Hinta verovapaasti on 64 300 euroa. Suomen ajoneuvo- ja arvonlisäveroilla varustettuna hinnaksi Suomessa muodostuu alkaen 122 900 euroa manuaalivaihteisena ja Tiptronic S vaihteistolla 126 800 euroa.
Kiina-kaupan alijäämästä johtuen on Eurooopassa ja erityisesti USA:ssa ryhdytty tekemään käyttämättömistä konteista asuntoja.
Lisää aiheesta:
Amsterdam Studenthousing
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Ikärakenneongelmat iskevät Turkuun
"Ikärakenneongelmat iskevät Turkuun. Turussa eletään tilastojen mukaan pitempään kuin naapurikunnissa tai muissa suurissa kaupungeissa. Joidenkin turkulaisten pitkäikäisyyteen voi vaikuttaa geneettinen ruotsalaistausta".
Jos kaikki naapurikuuntiin muuttaneet muuttaisivat takaisin Turkuun niin nämä luvut olisivat kovinkin erilaiset.Turussa ei elettäisikään pitempän kuin muualla.